Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wella Koleston Cheat Sheet

A dream "Independence? What Independence?

As usual in our country every July 20, marks the anniversary of Bolivar's independence supposedly won, it enorgullensen liberals, conservatives, the center and left-wing dream with Bolivar, this character just changed our colonizers, we are just a semi-colony, saying that the semi-colony is a little better than the colony.

Bolivar was the first Colombian nation into debt, this sellout was sponsored by the English and the ground pedaso passed to the English, setting up their economies feudal exploitation and oppression.

and after the English we became the little farm in the ass of the American empire, a lifetime of dependency, a life of exploitation and oppression, a life in which we are plundering our country and our young the people are subjected to disappearances and torture, not just young people but people who think differently, that thought that threatens the interests of imperialism and enalteze the people, are killed by illegal ways is enshrined legal and illegal ways remain unpunished.

Multinationals in our territories that displace farmers from their lands and who are armed to keep labor oppression and that no man to look beyond such exploitation and oppression, these multinationals that maintain impunity in labor laws , where the Colombian legislation does not fall nor the whores, and if it gets is in favor of the oligarchy.

banking groups in the service of capital, telling us what we should do and what not to do, lackeys like the IDB, the IMF, which are handled by the rule and this in turn dictates what you should do.

and military bases now affecting national sovereignty and popular llamemola, that will mean more exploitation and oppression of the masses and not a state conceived by the bourgeois theory, soldiers who come to affect the economic situation , social policy and of our nation, come to fight terrorism, but have called them as terrorism? ...

These military gringos come with impunity in which Colombian law also may not prosecute crimes against humanity that these monkeys will commit gorillas in our territory.

Then we can really have a party of independence? There



have always been oppressed by great imperialist powers? Think


So a call for popular insurrection!

A call to reject these measures by this government pro-imperialist puppet of the empire!

Outside Yankee

Palestine, Iraq, Colombia and all over the world!

Popular Resistance

July 2009