Why the Russian revolution is a proletarian revolution?
read the newspapers, reading the news all that censorship is allowed to publish, not easily understood. We know that the revolution has been made by proletarians (workers and soldiers), we know that there is a workers' committee that controls the behavior of administrative agencies has been necessary to maintain current business. But is it enough that a revolution was made by proletarians to the case of a proletarian revolution? The war also made the workers, which, however, the proletariat becomes a fact. To be so must other factors involved, factors of a spiritual nature. It is necessary that the fact proves revolutionary addition to the phenomenon of power, a force of customs, moral fact. The bourgeois newspapers have insisted on the phenomenon of power, we are told that the power of autocracy was replaced by another power, not yet well defined and that they hope will be the bourgeois power. Immediately have established parallel: Russian Revolution, French Revolution, found that the facts are similar. But what it seems is just the surface of events, and an act of violence is like the same type and destruction is similar to another.
However, we are convinced that the Russian Revolution is also a fact, an act which should lead proletarian naturally in the socialist regime. The news really concrete, substantial, are insufficient to allow a full demonstration. But there are certain elements that allow us to reach that conclusion.
The Russian Revolution has ignored Jacobinism. The revolution had to overthrow the autocracy has not had to win the majority with violence. Jacobinism is purely bourgeois phenomenon, characteristic of the bourgeois revolution in France. The bourgeoisie, when he made the revolution, did not have a universal program, served private interests of his class, and served them with closed-minded and petty to those following a particular purpose. The violent act of bourgeois revolution is doubly violent: it destroys the old order, imposed by the new order. The bourgeoisie imposes its power and ideas not only to the previously dominant caste, but also the people that are ready to dominate. It is an authoritarian regime replacing another authoritarian regime.
The Russian revolution has destroyed the authoritarianism and has been replaced by universal suffrage, extending it to women. Authoritarianism has been replaced by freedom, the Constitution's free speech universal consciousness. Why are Russian revolutionary Jacobins, that is why they have not replaced one dictatorship with the dictatorship of a minority bold and determined to do anything to make your program succeed? Because they pursue an ideal that can not be the few, because they are sure that when checking the proletariat, the answer is undoubtedly, is in everyone's consciousness and become the irrevocable decision can hardly be expressed in an atmosphere of absolute spiritual freedom without the vote will see corrupted by the intervention of the police, the threat of hanging or exile. The industrial proletariat is ready for change even culturally, the agricultural proletariat, who knows the traditional forms of communal communism, is also prepared for the transition to a new form of society. Socialist revolutionaries can not be Jacobins in Russia are currently the only task of controlling the bourgeois agencies (the Duma, the Zemtsvo) do not distort the response Jacobinism for universal suffrage and the violent event served its interests.
bourgeois newspapers have not given any importance to this another fact: the Russian revolutionaries opened the prisons not only political prisoners but also to those convicted of common crimes. In one of the prisons, inmates common to the announcement that they were free, they replied that they did not feel entitled to accept the freedom they had to atone for their sins. In Odessa, gathered in the courtyard of the prison and voluntarily swore that they would become honest and live their work. This news is more important for the purposes of the revolution that the expulsion of the Czar and the Grand Dukes. The Tsar had been expelled even by the bourgeoisie, while for these ordinary prisoners had always been enemies of his order, the treacherous enemies of his wealth, peace of mind. His release has for us this meaning: the revolution in Russia has created a new way of being. Not only has replaced power by power; has been replaced by habits habits has created a new moral atmosphere, has introduced the freedom of spirit as well as the body. The revolutionaries have not been afraid to put men on the street marked by bourgeois justice the infamous label judged a priori, listed by bourgeois science in various types of crime and delinquency. Only a passionate social atmosphere, where the prevailing customs and attitudes have changed, it may be something similar. Freedom makes people free, widens the moral horizon, makes the worst offenders under the authoritarian regime of duty a martyr, a hero of honesty. Say in a newspaper that some jail these criminals have rejected freedom and have become their guardians. Why not this happened before? Why prisons were surrounded by walls and barred windows? Who were to release them should be different from the judges, courts and prison guards, and the criminals had heard words very different from the usual when their consciences such a transformation occurred that they felt as free as to prefer segregation to freedom to voluntarily impose an atonement. They must feel that the world had changed, that they also, the dregs of society, had become something, that they too, the segregated, they will of choice.
This is the greatest phenomenon that has produced man's initiative. The offender has become, in the Russian revolution, the man that Emmanuel Kant, the absolute moral theorist, had announced, the man who says the vastness of the sky out of me, the imperative of my conscience within me. It is the liberation of minds, is the establishment of a new moral consciousness that is revealed by these little news. Is the advent of a new order, which coincides with what our teachers taught us. Once again the light comes from the East and radiates the old Western world, which, amazingly, knows more than oppose the banal and silly jokes of their hacks.