I hope ... FUSER - HARD ROCK
I hope ... FUSER - HARD ROCK
'll also be able to see this video on YouTube putting in bucador FUSER_HR - Market Humanity. Wait
the Flyer for the next date of course it all-motor. " We
're seeing!
FUSER - Hard Rock
In addition to these two letters, we suggest reading the following works:
review a bit the contents of the essay entitled " From Dictatorship to Democracy ." We can start at this point in which Dr. Sharp is referring to that pernicious "collective depression" in which people tend to fall under a dictatorship:
"The result is predictable: the population has become weak lacks confidence in itself and is unable to offer any resistance. People are usually too frightened to share their hatred for the dictatorship and their hunger for freedom or even with your family and friends. Are, often too terrified to think seriously about the popular resistance. Either way, what would you serve? Instead, take the suffering without purpose and a future without hope. "
is important to remember that people, all think they are invincible tyranny. Within this collective mood is very little that can be done. It is imperative to remove the widespread feeling of defeat. One of the clearest examples we have to remove this false belief is the "Making of Moscow" by a handful of Moscow in the year 1991, accompanied by Boris Yeltsin, who ended up being the first president elected by decision popular in Russia, although the country still belonged to the Soviet Union, which ceased to exist in December of that year. It is necessary to note that Yeltsin joined the rebellion, not mutiny to Boris Yeltsin. The leadership, at first, was collected. In different scenarios, the "Yeltsin" may come from the very bowels of the military, which is known as "imploded." The majority group is the explosion of what attracts the leader capitalizing or military group that adds to it.
is still more important to remember that Moscow, the capital of the "Soviet empire" for then, with more than 16 million people for the time, was "taken" in the beginning, for no more than 20 thousand Muscovites, but then they were joined by a couple of hundreds of thousands of Bogota ... which shows that the riots civic do not have - necessarily - to have the majority of the population. Shows another extremely important factor: tyrannies are not invincible.
"Dictators usually ignore constitutional and legal barriers, judicial decisions and public opinion. Reacting to the brutality, torture, disappearances, deaths, it is understood that all This has made the people think that only violence can end a dictatorship. "
" By putting his trust in violent means, has been chosen precisely control mode in which the oppressors almost always have superiority. Dictators can apply irresistible violence. "
" ELECTIONS Under a dictatorship can not be used as a tool for meaningful political change . Some dictatorial regimes such as the former Eastern bloc dominated by the Soviet Union, simulated elections only for the purpose of pretending to be democratic. But these elections were tightly controlled plebiscite simple to obtain public approval of the candidates selected by the dictators. "
" They (the dictators), from time to time, due to the pressure they are subjected, could perhaps accept new elections, but they would puppets manipulated to place civilians in government positions . If the opposition candidates had they been allowed to go to elections and had been elected as happened in Burma in 1990 and Nigeria in 1993, the results would have been simply ignored and the supposed victors would have been subject to intimidation, arrest or even killed. Dictators are not interested in elections that could remove them from their throne . "
" Many people who are currently suffering under a dictatorship, or who have had to go into exile to escape her clutches, do not believe that the oppressed can free themselves themselves. They do not expect your people to be released but for the actions of others. Put their trust in foreign forces. Believe that international assistance can only be strong enough to overthrow dictators. "
" That view that the oppressed are unable to act effectively is sometimes limited time correct. As noted, frequently the subject population does not want the fight and is temporarily incapacitated for her because she has no confidence in their ability to face the brutal dictatorship and does not see a reasonable way to save for their own efforts. Consequently, it is not unusual trust their hopes of freedom to the action of other . External forces include: the "public opinion", United Nations, a particular country or international economic and political sanctions. "
" Such a situation may seem comforting, but there are serious problems in terms of the trust ranean a savior Buddha. That confidence can be placed in a totally wrong factor. usually will not reach foreign saviors. If another state is involved, probably should not be trusted. "
" There are a few harsh realities about the reliance on foreign intervention should be stressed here. "
" foreign states often tolerated or help including, to the dictatorship, in order to advance their own economic and political interests ... "
" Foreign states may be involved actively for positive purposes only when it has a movement which they have already begun to shake the dictatorship and managed to focus international attention on the brutal nature of government. "
" Generally, the main cause behind the existence of dictatorships is the internal distribution of power exists in the country. People and society are too weak to cause a problem to the dictatorship; wealth and power are concentrated in too few hands . While international efforts can benefit, or otherwise weaken the dictators to achieve their goals. "
" Democrats should be wary of the traps that can tend dictators with full knowledge cause during a negotiation process. "
" The call to negotiate, when it comes to fundamental issues of political freedom, may be an effort by the dictators to induce Democrats to surrender peacefully, while the violence of the dictatorship continues. In such conflicts, negotiations can only play an appropriate role at the end of a decisive struggle in which the power of dictators has been destroyed and are seeking safe passage to reach an international airport. "
" A variety of reasons and objectives underlying the rule of the dictators: power, position, wealth, restructuring of society and more. One must remember that none of these will be satisfied if they leave their checkpoints. In case of negotiation, the dictators seek to preserve their objectives. "
" Whatever the promises that dictators offer in a negotiated agreement, one should not forget that they are able to promise anything just to make the submission of the democratic opposition forces and then blatantly violate those same agreements . "
" If Democrats agree to stop the resistance in exchange for an easing of repression, will be very disappointed. A suspension of the resistance very rarely leads to a decrease in repression. When the pressure ceases domestic and international opposition, the dictators can have the oppression and violence even more brutally than before. The collapse of popular resistance often suppresses a counterbalance force and has limited control and brutality of the dictatorship . Then the Tyrants can move against those who want. Because the tyrant has the power to act only where there is no strength to resist , Shridharani Krishnalal said. "
" In conflicts where fundamental issues are at stake, the resistance - not negotiations - is essential for change. In almost all cases, the resistance must continue until the dictators are ousted from power. "
" Success is determined more often, not negotiating a settlement, but the successful use of the most appropriate methods of resistance and powerful as possible. "
" Hitler often called for peace, but he wanted to surrender to his will. usually dictators peace is nothing but the prison or the grave . Moreover, democratic negotiators or foreign specialists accepted to assist the negotiators, can in one stroke, giving dictators from a domestic and international legitimacy that previously had been denied because of seizing the state, human rights violations and brutality. Without that legitimacy so desperately needed dictators can not continue to rule indefinitely. The representatives of peace should not provide them that legitimacy. "
" The dictatorship of Marcos in the Philippines fell to the forces of the people in 1986. The United States government quickly abandoned when President Marcos the strength of opposition became clear . "
" The degree of freedom or tyranny that exists in any government is largely a reflection of the determination on the subjects to be free and their willingness and ability of resisting the efforts made by government to enslave them. "
" Totalitarian power is strong only if it has to be exercised frequently . If the totalitarian power has to be imposed on all people at all times , it is likely to remain strong for long. "
" Some tactics of nonviolent struggle requires people to perform acts that are not related to normal life, such as driving, operating a clandestine printing press, made hunger strikers SIT A STREET MEDIA . "
" The dictatorship may be inevitable. The frustration and hatred against the regime can explode violently. Or, some groups may not be willing to abandon the use of violent means even when they recognize the important role of nonviolent struggle. "
" History indicates that even when victims are expected to be both dead and wounded in the political challenge will be in far fewer than those that occur in warfare. "
" The nonviolent struggle requires the loss of fear and greater control over himself, on the one hand, and tends to produce this effect to the government and its brutal repression. This loss of fear, or self-control, is a key element to destroy the power that dictators have on the general population . "
" nonviolent resistance, disciplined and courageous compared to the brutality of dictators, can cause discomfort, discontent and distrust and, in extreme situations even mutiny among the soldiers themselves and the staff at the service of the dictatorship. This resistance can also lead to an increase in international condemnation of the dictatorship . "
" adversary's military forces may become so unreliable that it simply did not obey orders to repress resistance. Although government leaders to remain in their positions and remain steadfast in their original objectives, have lost the ability to perform effectively. This is called NO VIOLENT COERCION. "
" In some extreme situations, the conditions that caused the non-violent coercion, going even further. Adversary's leadership, in fact, loses all its capacity to act and breaks down the entire structure of power. Self-driving, non-cooperation and the challenge of resistance are so perfect that their opponents now lack even the pretense of control over them. The bureaucracy of the opponent refuses to obey its own leadership. opponents troops and riot police. supporters and contributors to adverse repudiate their former leaders and deny them any right to rule. From this, the old disappear obedience and cooperation. The fourth mechanism of change, the disintegration of the adversary system is so complete that it does not even have enough power to surrender. The scheme will have disintegrated. "
"The experience of applying non-violent struggle can make people more confidence in herself, as to defy the regime's threats and the latter's capacity for violent repression."
"To be effective, especially against a dictatorship, political defiance requires preparation and planning. The prospective participants will need to understand what is expected of them. "
" political defiance campaigns against dictatorships may begin in several ways. In the past, these struggles seldom planned and were in fact accidental . Some specific grievances that triggered the above actions have varied widely, but often included new brutality, arrest or death of a person held in high esteem. "
" Sometimes a specific action on the part of the dictatorship has angered the population so that it has precipitated the action without having the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow it could end the insurgency. "
" Sometimes, lack of planning on the part of Democrats have left crucial decisions to chance, with disastrous results. "
" In the future, action unplanned popular will undoubtedly play an important role in the movement against dictatorship. However, it is now possible to calculate the most effective ways to ruin a dictatorship, determine when the political and popular sentiment is ripe and how to decide how to start a campaign. It requires a very cautious view, based on a realistic assessment of the situation and the capabilities of people to select the most effective way to gain freedom in such circumstances. "
" Why is it that people have the vision to bring political freedom to its people, so rarely prepare an overall strategic plan to achieve that goal? "
" The common pattern is simply reacting to initiatives of the dictatorship. So the opposition is always on the defensive, trying to defend freedoms limited or bastions of freedom, in the best case, delaying the progress of dictatorial control, or causing problems for the new regime's policies. "
" Without strategic analysis, the resistance leaders often do not know what should be the next step , because they have not seriously considered in the successive steps to follow to achieve victory. "
"The result of that inability to plan strategically is often dramatic: disperse forces, actions are ineffective, the energy is wasted on inconsequential matters, and the sacrifices made for nothing ."
"Instead, it is likely that allow dictatorship to increase their control and power."
"Unfortunately, because they rarely develop comprehensive strategic plans for the release, dictatorships seem to be more durable than they actually are. survive for years and decades beyond what might be the case . "
" In charting strategy, the Democrats have to clearly define their objectives and determine how to measure the effectiveness of efforts to achieve them. "
" Among the techniques of nonviolent struggle is include dozens of particular forms of action (such as many types of strikes, boycotts, passive resistance and other similar policy). "
" What history have the means chosen to have served for the overthrow of other dictatorships? "
"As part of the preparation grand strategy, you need to calculate what role have to play the internal resistance and external pressures in the disintegration of the dictatorship. In this analysis, we have insisted that the main force of the struggle must come from within the same the country. Reach the level of international aid to reach depend on how much can it be stimulated by internal strife . "
" How can people persist in resisting the challenge while maintaining the necessary non-violent discipline? How will people meet their basic needs during the course of their struggle? "
" A Once you have adopted a comprehensive strategic plan to bring down the dictatorship and establish a democratic system, is important that democratic groups persist in applying it. In very rare circumstances should the fight away from the initial plan the grand strategy. "
" Despite the difficulties and dangers in trying to communicate ideas, news and instructions of resistance when you're living under a dictatorship, Democrats have often shown that it is possible. Even under Nazi or Communist regimes, it was possible that the resistance to communicate not only with other individuals but with large public through the publication of illegal newspapers, pamphlets, books and more recently through audio and video cassettes. And with the benefit of a prior strategic planning, the guidelines can be prepared for resistance and disseminate. " (N. A. When Dr. Sharp wrote this essay, there was no powerful Internet tool)
"strategy planners have to estimate the possible responses and repression, especially the threshold of violence of the dictatorship in the face of the actions of democratic resistance."
"Anticipating repression strategists would do well to consider in advance the use of tactics and methods to help achieve the specific goal of the season or release it, but make it less likely or possible excessive repression . For example, street actions and demonstrations against extreme dictatorships can be very dramatic, but they can risk leaving thousands of dead among the protesters . In fact, the high cost they pay may not increase the pressure on the dictatorship that if everybody had stayed at home, there had been a strike or if officials had participated in an act of mass noncooperation. "
"Will the population and the resistance are ready to behave in a disciplined and nonviolent manner during the course of the struggle? Can they resist the provocations of violence? "
" Leaders must always be alert to the presence of agents provocateurs whose mission will be to encourage the protesters to violence. "
" In situations where people feel helpless and scared is important that the initial tasks for the public to be low-risk activities, which develop confidence in himself. "
" It is necessary that intermediate policy objectives are achievable for the ability to, actual or projected, of the democratic forces. This helps to ensure a series of victories that are good for morale and also contribute to the occurrence of incremental changes in power relationships that are advantageous for long-term struggle. "
" Very early on, strategists have to plan at least for the first campaign strategy. What objectives should be limited? How are these to assist in the accomplishment of the grand strategy? If possible, it would be prudent to make at least general guidelines for a second and perhaps even third campaign. All these campaigns have to carry out the chosen grand strategy and operate within the general guidelines of this. "
" At the beginning of a new campaign to undermine the dictatorship, the first and more specific actions may have a limited field . Should be designed in part to test the mood of the population and influence it and prepare to continue the fight . "
" The initial action may take the form of a symbolic protest or be a symbolic act of not limited cooperation and time. "
" Certain symbolic actions as the physical occupation of territory outside the palace of the dictator or the police headquarters may incur a great risk and therefore are not recommended to start a campaign. "
" it would take to calculate the degree of loyalty to the dictatorship of the military, both soldiers and officers and determine whether they are likely to be influenced by the democratic forces. "
" Could against the regime put many of the soldiers and officers for personal reasons family or political? What other factors would make the soldiers and officers vulnerable to subversion of democracy? "
"The troops must know that the fight will have a special character intended to undermine the dictatorship, but not life threatening. These efforts ultimately aim to undermine the morale of the troops of the dictator and finally to subvert their loyalty and obedience for the democratic movement. should try to reach the police and officials with similar strategies . "
" We must plan how you could be held to understand the military officers sympathetic to the Democrats who or a military coup or civil war are necessary or desirable . "
" The official supporters can play vital roles in the struggle for democracy such as spread between the military discontent and non-cooperation, encouraging the deliberate weaknesses and quietly ignoring orders, standing firm in his decision not to suppress. "
" The army is one of the most important power resources of the dictators because they can use disciplined military units and weapons to directly attack and punish the disobedient population. The challenge strategists should remember that will be extremely difficult if not impossible, to dismantle the dictatorship if the police, bureaucracy and armed forces remain fully loyal and obedient in fulfilling their orders. Strategies to subvert the loyalty of the army of the dictator should enjoy a special priority from democratic planners. "
" The democratic forces should not ask the soldiers and officers who mutinied immediately, instead of that, where possible communication must aclarárseles that there are multiple forms of "disguised disobedience " who can be practiced from the beginning. For example, police officers or enlisted men may hinder the fulfillment of orders for distribution, failed to find persons sought, warn resistance about suppression orders have been issued against them and the arrests and deportations and may stop providing important information to his superior officers. "
" They can shoot over the heads of the demonstrators. State officials may lose or misplace the instructions, work poorly, or
" The symbolic acts repudiation and challenge are among the means available to undermine the regime's moral and political authority, ie its legitimacy. If large segments of the population is non-cooperation, the regime will really serious problem. "
" If dictators can no longer trust the police and the military, the dictatorship is seriously threatened. "
"The political challenge offers a real chance of victory."
"The strategists of the democratic forces can move beyond selective resistance launch massive challenge. It must involve large segments of the population at all levels of society. "
" In some situations, the fall of the dictatorship can happen very quickly, as in East Germany in 1989. This can occur when power supplies are massively denied him as a result of the rejection of the entire population against the dictatorship. "
" When dictators have to face a population whose power is increasing and the growth of groups democratic and independent institutions - none of which can control and dictatorship - the dictators will find that their power is undoing. The mass closures of society, general strikes, the-at-home Meetups massive marches and other activities challenging increasingly undermine the dictators' own organization and institutions associated with them. "
" As a consequence of such defiance and noncooperation executed wisely and with mass participation at all times , dictators will be out of power and democracy advocates have succeeded without violence. The dictatorship will have collapsed before challenging population. "
" Three main conclusions are derived from the ideas outlined here: can get rid of dictatorships , a carefully thought out and very thorough strategic planning are essential for the release, and will require monitoring, much hard work and disciplined fighting sometimes at a high price ... "
" No external force will give the people the freedom they yearn . People will have to learn how to get that freedom itself. will not be easy . "
The next date is June 5 in The Pool Ituzaingó.
Greetings ... Fuser