Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Megan Goods Short Hari Cut

The History of the Poor has found
Always A Women's Hands,
that recorded in the Back of the Cross which is stuck
Life of the oppressed
Seal Resistance

in defending the territory against looting
of domestic and foreign companies
in marches on the International Day of Women.

in the rescue of Memory
in the battle of ideas

in each of the walls of our people

in the struggle for the elucidation of truth
and the Pursuit of Justice

along the worker
against oligarchy and the army
Black and White photos
of: Mauro Calanchina

their dreams shattered by injury
Those who defended furiously
With your body and your soul,
wear now and see them dying,
And with them your life end,
Those years that were so happy
And yet so unhappy,
meeting so many people
And did laugh,
Those people will never forget you,
And always remember That you
revolutionary woman
Defending your ideal
Until the end.

Juana (Young imperialist )

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What To Write In A Wedding Card For Co-worker

Memoirs of a teacher "subversive" brought to Dorima

Or burst or bring to interview.
There was no other possibility (and it was understood and so did I understand.)
And I seemed to understand what was happening to me. O
understood and beyond me.
Anyone who has not been in a situation of such distress may understand what I was feeling at that moment.
not really know if it was, was like an emotional numbness, could not distinguish the boundary between the feeling and not feeling.
had tachycardia, my heart pounding in my throat.
anesthetized, that is, was anesthetized.
That feeling still haunts me when you cross my path authoritarianism. With so much human depravity
think the defense mechanisms acting anesthetizing the reason (to avoid suffering, I suppose.)
Where are you from?
De Adrogué I replied (I thought I had asked me, but I turned to answer)
Were you followed the "El Faro"?
Why do you ask? Because
"EL FARO" Adrogue is known as meeting place Peronist.
So your husband's phone?
How do you know? (Add).
You told me a while ago.
If working in ENTEL and studied law at the UBA.
active member of the Peronist party and is into all the trouble that the phone will make the soldiers.
I responded automatically, needed someone to hold me if only with words.
(still this need to embrace me when I have scared me below).
Do you have your hands tied?
Yes, but the guy who locked me in the cell, I left the loose strings.
Take it off (I told my partner cell next to mine).
you get when you feel the steps. Aflojate
band and you will be able to watch. We also
the draw and you can put back when "Dummy."
"Pacifier" is our duty, is a son of a bitch, but with it no problem.
I was back to being cold and had to urinate.
I told my partner what had happened.
There is a bucket or jug.
This is the bathroom.
And then I went to the toilet in the cell. Today
brought people from Mar del Plata.
There is a woman over there is very bad (so say the above.) There seemed
cells above ours and passed on news of people they brought. There
peers in Florencio Varela.
is the "Engineer" and there's a fool that is in very poor condition.
Suddenly a voice seemed to me coming from the bottom right and announced, "brought him to Dorima."
As I had said after midnight brought detainees.
I figured it was twelve.
did not resist (I thought).
is alive.
onward to victory
... ................................... .................................................. .................................................. ............

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Las Vegas Gay Cruising Parks

Memoirs of a teacher "subversive "shall meet again. My fellow

Assemble the Christmas tree and fill lights.
And I sit back and watch as the lanterns on and off.
as stars or constellations, such as light bugs come and go.
As lights that flow from the thousands of candles that were lit on Christmas Eve. Arriving
And ring the bells of the Church of my people. Then come
is that gone are the days and nights have happened.
And I have tired my days waiting in vain for the roadside.
And they have closed my eyes to the misfortune of not seeing them and hug
As ever.
As it happens, that feeling comes over me first was surprise and sadness of the time was miss them.
of not seeing them, not knowing where to find them, can not imagine where in the time their lives, their dreams, their futures were forever prisoners. Arm
Christmas tree and cover it with garlands of lights.
Yellow, white, red, blue. Multicolored lights
I can imagine its brightness illuminate that path since the path to the meeting.
I know at the time of season they were at that point in time was the youth and from the youth's hope and remembrance.
I know that in the wrong time time the freshness of youth that is foreign to me to be present in the lights still turn on the Christmas tree and wait.
And my skin is not skin and full of spring flowers and blossoms.
tracks and there are rows and there are sorrows and dreams that were not.
And there waiting waiting since then.
And there are tears of crying ever since.
And there's a heart that is the heart that one day it shared the utopias of youth today is expected since those lights illuminate the road.
to return.

From that year and since that first Christmas after always well lit the tree with lights that illuminate a path to think of it as a way back
for which they have to walk to share the family table

My colleagues and I wait. As always


Ever onward to victory
(shall meet again .... I'm sure)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Templet For Balsa Bridge

restore rights to Mother Earth.
occupy state land under the threat of ARENA activity.

on 14 November representatives Peronia city, El Calvario, La Selva and the 38 communities in the area farm peacefully occupied the former facilities Selva Military and national territory, currently administered by the Guatemalan army to .

community representatives in the assembly proceeded to the elaboration of a statement expressing "... We are brothers peace and brotherhood, we are men, women and children, by our action that we restore our rights denied to healthy environment we have taken in our hands to defend our territory and future with this occupation we are securing our land, our forests and water is now threatened by greed and irrational exploitation and pillage of our mother earth ... "

This action ensures peaceful life,
that on this farm there are dozens of births aquifers, forests and natural resources from this area will ensure a green and recreational area for youth and children.

children and young people could not bear the responsibility and inefficiency a government that denies education and health. from that space is implementing various activities such as reforestation, construction of schools, etc.

farm to present the police and community representatives disclosed the intentions of the occupation of the land abandoned, spoke to the guardian of the estate and was invited to form part of the community and work here are urged to defend the territory and for youth .

activity was accompanied by sports and music, while all representatives of the entire area came to the firm the statement of the occupation that restores their rights.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Is A Substitute For Chapstick

I received an email from a person who hides in anonymity and from that tries to teach me instead of moralizing.
That person (of course a person wimp) I suggest you stop writing bullshit because my stuff from the freedom of opinion in this country there are democratic events and situations documented and reported to justice. That
turpitude (or wimp wimp) not come forward.
See you in court, place to send the mail received to investigate the origin of it.
Apparently the nest of officials of the Directorate of Education and Culture of the Province of Buenos Aires has felt "touched" by what my pen has militant groups in an article written in 2009.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Make Disk Image Mac Sims 3

13, November 1960/2010.

to 50 years of

military uprising that led to the popular revolutionary struggle.

in the 50 years of military uprising, the Anti Imperialist Block developing a talk in order to demystify and discuss the historical contribution of the uprising. the event was attended by various personalities and characters of the epic to the call revolutionary people's war. also exposed a number of historical documents, from brochures, newsletters and discussion papers on the war in Guatemala. July Doc Cambranes developed a historical analysis by reading a document Yon Sosa.

also got to know the contribution of women as Alba Estela Maldonado "lola" precise importance of developing the thought of the military and women.

Cambranes summon the doctor conducting a historical research center and the youth revolution Block Anti Imperialist announced the continuation of the rescue of historical documents of the revolutionary movement.

expressed "... it is necessary that we, we, you, them, them, those on foot, fools, as always, the people. Let's thought processes, learn from our past history, lessons that many and many of our heroes and heroines reflected in the memory left in the brochure, in the underground newspaper and now in light of 50 years, we can go where they were watching the debates, history proved them right and who (subjects political) of that historic moment failed to properly read the wrong time and the steps ... "

"... But the study of the social, economic and cultural aspects of our history, which is the trigger at that time insurgent unleashed the fury, rage and rebellion of those who possessed the characteristics of a thought evolves, new ideas, new ways of interpreting society and humanity and using our Guatemala today, shows that the conditions are the same, with their nuances, now operating much more elaborate, more disguised, but so hard as reprehensible as that of 50 years, 100 years, 500 years ... .... with the media component to the sleeping masses, we suggest they think, feel, dream, suck, eat, dress, etc.

...." "... So this time we wanted to share today to learn together of history, is for us an important moment not only for the fact evoke the armed uprising that after some years and drew on the best daughters of the nation and led to the Revolutionary Popular Struggle, the guerrilla war, a protracted people's war ...."

eventually became a tribute to the contributions from those able to support limited resistance to war by the Guatemalan revolution from the view of many present remains a necessary process to achieve.

The struggle against imperialism Solidarity needs all Possible

Combat is the worst enemy of humanity.

Turcios Lima.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Places In Austin To Donate Plasma

militancy Memoirs of a teacher "subversive" Avenue of the camellias.

MA Burzaco No. 2
Education Region V
District No. Alte Brown.

that morning in the central patio (and while waving the flag mast in the blue sky of March) the students of the MA N º 2 Burzaco listened to the teacher designated to deliver the speech at the ceremony commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the coup of 1976, with the face of circumstances that often teachers read the speeches popped his words reading from a sheet (to comply with orders issued by the Undersecretary of Education)
Facts and events were happening devoid of feelings as well as the listing of the dates and events as if what commemorated there was not a reflection on the events but simply a repetition of what the history books recounted about what happened in our country and many and many of these did not conceal their opposition to the issue of genocide and forced disappearance of persons were treated in the schools and students.
I had been warned by the director Stella Santoro to stop insisting on the agendas write sentences of tributes to my friends missing and had rejected me without any basis of the proposals on the issue presented to the authorities.
fact had already been denounced by some colleagues to enter politics in the classroom and ideologies fill the heads of the students in my charge.
situation that would lead to an investigation in which the complainant had to withdraw to my determination to not let the situation because doing so was to give rise to memory were injured by those working in situations of dependency of the Directorate of Education and Culture of the Province of Buenos Aires and insisted on ignoring hide what happened during the military dictatorship in 1976.
As it happens or at least as happened in this case, Human Rights and the teachers not only enjoyed the support of the leadership team but also and without my knowledge tried to shift my position and from school because I was what always I have been teaching for Almirante Brown, a teacher "subversive."
An evil that had to be removed. Eva
Giai, Graciela Caserta and members of the School Support Team did not hesitate to become simple bushings and act as accomplices of the Director of Records and signing establishment haunting the aisles putting in evidence before the tutors and support staff of the establishment. Nevertheless
had managed to lift my office courses GALLERY OF MEMORY and disclose the events occurring in the dictatorship not only in school but in the district through field work and surveys and research we conducted in Burzaco Square, Railway Station, the local Church and inspectores.Se headquarters had forbidden me to approach the place where the act was done, as the Director of Establishment, Stella Santoro, felt that my presence as a survivor of the detention centers and as EX-Disappeared could lead to situations of tension between profesoresNo was well seen, by staff of the school, reading and commenting in the classroom of banned books during the military dictatorship. Even fewer were
accepted the open and participatory debates held in the auditorium of the school could attract students from other courses.
Because students participate if they are encouraged to participate and ask if they can ask and discuss, question and draw their own conclusions if they are allowed talk, ask and cuestionar.Pero to a teacher "subversive" as well as for their students indicated, all double effort was starting to build again in every meeting that was destroyed by anonymous hands that do not conform to complain to the teacher, students discredited and destroyed it with his hands and his work construían.Impedida to be with my students in one thirtieth anniversary of the Coup is in remembrance of that bitter experience the cold that was sticking to my bones and my muscles as they came the strains of the Marcha "Avenida de las Camelias."
The March military dictatorship that used its press to announce población.Vaya to know who wanted to accompany the event with a march that brought the images of the nefarious genocidal murderers of 30,000 people, among whom could be counted on teachers, students, support staff and educational service.
could not be present that day to express my experiences.
Those that had happened and that I did not have the history books.
But I could feel the presence of Nene, the Popy, the Turk, the Engineer, my neighbor cell in the well, Marta, Claudio, Luis and so many more that are positive they came to stand beside me that day to whisper in the ear to continue demanding justice, and will always remember.
For while only one of the we had survived the recall had won the struggle for Justice, Equality of Opportunity and a country for everyone.
As was the dream, the utopia of those that March 24 came to school and stayed with me while the teacher in charge of the speech went on with his speech.
meaningless. Vacuum

emotions and void of feelings.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Bb Desert Eagle Buy Metal

Memoirs of a teacher "subversive": "Not dead Gringo"

(Just sleeping)

Because many of the grandparents of my students had known.
For many parents of my students had met through what their parents had been told.
Because many of my students lived in the neighborhood "Light and
Force" (the neighborhood of the electricians) almost, almost right next to the Elementary School No. 2
Because in every department of the district his memory was still turning up the lights of hope , that only knows how to turn hope that honesty, ethics
and humility. Because
dressed in blue overalls came to school to whisper in the silence qu he had also been a poor boy
For my students, who appropriates the past brought the past into the classroom to build that bridge between past and present.
Because then tell what they knew and his colleagues were ignorant, trying to integrate into the construction of collective memory.
Because every moment lived, because each story of the soul was at the same time realize that there can be death if the memory.
is that I feel and I live in the rain of red carnations that day in November, defying people's hearts for bullets.
Defying death was the "Gringo" asleep in the deep sleep that causes death is not dead ....
Just sleep
response to silence.
has departed.
were red carnations and white scarves which were well answered ...
Because there was silence. Silence is death
and quietly came to look.
And it was as part of heroes.
Dignity ...
In the arms of the people.
With the cries of people.
With rain from the sky in red carnations.
forming mats she walked the procession.

years have passed since then comes back and sits in the classroom.
and shares the class and share the books because he liked the books.
walk the lanes and children walk and walk the streets walking to school.
are the same roads are dirt roads.
And there is no light and no sewers ..
like her childhood, as a child and dreamed.
In turn hope into the streets with no lights, no destination, unemployed and hungry.
And much injustice.
was hungry, like the children they bring into the classroom.
It was honest, because they remember.
And he was humble, humble because it is the people.
November 5, 1975 ....
Since then comes back.
Is he dead? ...
No, it's just asleep.
still alive in the village

onward to victory


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Artiste™ By Scott Kay Credence

Mana Bar (Third round) Sunday

We can not sit still ... So throw on the court the Flyer of the third of five date "Brutal" end of the year ... We introduce ourselves with friends Locomotor , one of the most rocky western bands. And The Burgundy, the blues rock band and federal capital that brings a powerful repertoire for this special night ...

Visit us on Facebook and www.elsonar.com.ar / fuser


FUSER - Hard Rock