One day I put on the apron as a teacher to work in schools with three shifts.
I worked on the intermediate shift
thought we were all equal (as I had taught my father).
Then life taught me that not everyone was equal, not all thought the same and not all felt the same and not all lived the same and not all eat the same ...
Life taught me that inequality.
guessed then that my father was a utopian dreamer and a man sad, very sad.
I knew ..
I knew that my father was a sad man (but that is for me).
When I started working and got master's apron had to learn many things that I had learned while studying to become a teacher.
Things my dear cousin had already told me.
had many cousins, but I just wanted this cousin because it was like my old man.
I understood, protected me and he loved the poetry and music and all the music he liked the Piano Concerto No. 1 by Frederic Chopin was his favorite. Both
liked that one day gave me a disc of dough with the recording of the concert.
to remember me.
So when you hear it you remember your cousin Diego.
But my cousin was one day.
is gone forever from my life and this life.
But I had learned not to continue living wonder ..
I had learned to walk without missing missing.
had learned to fool the sadness
One can deceive to sadness.
learned to fool the sadness.
This was building my life and it seems my fate Destined to miss
. Always
beginning to wonder if I just repeated again and again, not surprised.
And he missed. Simple
my life. Simple
mandates of my life.
When I was a teacher and I got the white apron ..
I had to learn to walk in rubber boots because the schools were in places that are called "villas" ... poverty and misery and if it rained the dirt roads became muddy streets.
I had to learn to discover lice fleas.
head lice in children, fleas on the floors of the school.
I learned to understand that children despite being children worked and sometimes did not usually eat or fainted or was not that sick. Simply
were starving and cold (if by chance they fainted in winter). And walking
life that I began to understand that humans call life.
And this what life is complicated things when he talked about the things I had left my old.
spoke of inequality, injustice, protest, claim, to repudiate the tyranny ....
My dad was a utopian.
always at the wrong of time. Always
against mandates.
I understood.
My dad and my cousin, "black sheep of the family." Eventually
no time in reminding me that "Like father like son"
So I have no family ties. Maligned
my old, divorced family.
learned to live without family ties ...
one does not choose, so my dad said.
And he said to explain why it had withdrawn from his family.
In fact he had departed, his family had departed
And working
in school ...
And working at the school to be friends with the priests who arrived with oranges, well, that was a leftist. To say that the priest
Mugica was yummy, that it was to be subversive. Talking
Third World that was already being montonera.
montonera was then, was rebellious, it was subversive, he was left handed ...
That was me for school principals and the Provincials and the sheep and the bootlicking of the Directors of the Provincials
So my teaching life.
Among priests of the Third World, including books by Paulo Freyre, including lice, including fleas, including protests and strikes.
Among fellow pimps and between and among Monsignors telltale Directors La Plata pointed us subversive of order imposed by dictators usurping the legitimate power of the elected by the people began to stain with blood the ground they were walking my feet.