"All Colombians have the right to housing dignity. The state will determine the conditions necessary to enforce this law and will promote plans for affordable housing, adequate long-term funding and associative forms of implementation of these programs. "[1]
Whenever it is necessary to consider whether advance or not meeting the housing needs of poor Colombians, it is necessary to review the constitutional source for the right to housing, to assess whether a state and society have developed or not the constitutional mandate with its core elements and explicit conditions, as shown in what we highlighted in the text above.
We ask ourselves, which means the state, set conditions for realizing this right? [2], what means that the state plans to promote affordable housing [3], what means that the state promotes proper systems of long term financing? [ 4] Have you been promoted associative forms of program delivery of social housing [5]
Our view is that we continue, as a state and society without serious discussion as it develops the Article 51 of the Constitution and as a result, the housing problems of low-income populations have been growing both in quantity and quality.
In the 90's was taken formulated by the government to "get" the institutions of the state of implementation of various functions in housing and limited to "facilitate" the acquisition of "housing solutions" through demand subsidies, under the assumption that offer serious solutions supplied by the "market." Wrong course judging by the results to date, as the market offer only a fraction of demand in the subset of new housing needs.
also never developed a serious way the legal mandate to establish minimum conditions of quality and a consistent definition on: What is housing social interest? Hence, even now defined in terms of a maximum price (135 WBW) in which are hidden and postponed the necessary discussions on the attributes of housing and quality conditions.
Some entities from academia and civil society consider it necessary to open a space for discussion to develop the concept fully housing rights and in particular the specific conditions laid down in Article 51, which would allow progress in shaping boldest strategies and efficient.
Just as it is essential to stimulate macro-economic effect when designing housing policy, some also consider it desirable and necessary to an adequate stimulus for macro-social effects. The isolated stimulus to the construction industry with private forms of production is not sufficient to reach the most excluded social sectors in different housing needs or to produce sustainable social impact.
is why it is essential to an equitable strategy to complement and feed back for which the recognition and development of concepts like "social production" may be relevant and complementary to conventional forms of private production.
The chart that follows taken from work of Enrique Ortiz of Habitat International Coalition aims to illustrate how housing should only be considered as a factor in economic development in the field of "macro" and social welfare in the field of "micro" (relation marked by dark arrow), but also has important effects "macro-social" as a generation of citizenship and education and effects "micro-economic" in the fields of popular economics (inter-relationships indicated by dashed arrows), which feed in a positive and integral.
1. Current Situation
housing policy interest country's social remains taken as one more piece in economic policy, which is certainly relevant macro-economic terms, but poor public policy to address the social reality and magnitude of the housing problem, particularly if the constitutional postulate states that housing is a right of all Colombians.
results as demonstrated last four years under the previous table summary of the National Planning Department. The first graph of this picture (left) shows that the GDP [6] (total building and construction) increased over the period 2002-2006 significantly over the period 1998-2002 and that this growth was at rates well above the average growth of the economy. The graph on the right, the same table, we see that the construction of VIS Social Housing and Affordable Housing Priority VIP, also had significant growth in 2002-2006 compared to 1998-2002, but although accept this statistical evidence, insist that it is inadequate for the reality of unmet housing needs as described below.
However, these results and the positive sign (the economy) does not necessarily mean the same trend or positive signal for the millions of poor Colombians who are still in need and housing problems, according to analysis conducted by the National Center for Construction Studies (CENAC) and summarized in the following table: Magnitude
Requirement Accumulated deficit (Number of households)
Quantitative Qualitative
1,834,613 2,054,639 3,889,252
Total Deficit environment in 10 cities (percentage of households in strata 1, 2 and 3) 99.3%
Other problems setting (percentage of households) Environmental pollution
uncovered 52.1% or 39.7% poor
Lack of street lighting
failure or lack of public transport 35.2%
Problems in the supply and delivery of public services Garbage removal
18.4% 13.6% Aqueduct
Electricity Phone
9.9% 9.7% 7.3%
Sewer Gas by pipeline
Deficit 3.5%
Housing seismic vulnerability
6.3 million households
7.6 million new homes annually based
Total households 170 000
Households with less than 4 100 000
Annual Demand Affordable Housing (Number of households) 100 000
Occupancy (Percent of households)
noises outside the house
Odors 58% outside 35%
Lack of natural lighting
precariousness in ventilation
12% Demand
deficit no substitution, income, recreation, other 84 000
leases Market
annual turnover rental market
850 000 Annual change rental housing stock of 85 000
Change of ownership (in property - tenant)
30 000
2. Trend.
With a large universe of housing situations unresolved, many stakeholders should be convened to discuss and set policy guidelines for a comprehensive, including elements of a national operational plan. However, we believe that exclusionary attitude persists (central government and unions of the construction industry) in both the formulation and management, monitoring and evaluation of national housing policy and the situation becomes popular in weaknesses and limitations characterized by:
• A sectoral view of housing as part of economic policy which the party that monopolizes the attention of the state is the construction industry, for whom social housing is only one of its markets and intervening only if they are profitable at the rates of its other markets.
• A dominant tool in politics, and management "sector", - subsidy to "demand", aimed at facilitating the acquisition of homes that are supposed to supply the market. Recent historical reality of Colombia, what it shows is that demand subsidy, as is conceived, is not a sufficient instrument to remove structural barriers that raise strategic inputs and processes hinder housing production.
• The emphasis on the hidden demand subsidy questions obvious on the reasons and realities under which some strategic raw materials for popular housing is expensive and there is speculation they (land and materials such as cement and iron) and the State intervenes to regulate these markets efficiently.
• A disregard for the ability to self-organized communities are those that have built the bulk of housing in the country through self and mutual assistance, in conditions of complete adversity. The State may well, as public policy, promoting forms of association as stipulated in the Constitution and promote dignified work of people in social processes of production housing. The promotion of associative forms of housing production, which basically consists of training and technical assistance should be considered as a strategic component object subsidy, moreover, is an investment that can prevent security vulnerabilities and risks with serious social and fiscal.
• An unnecessary burden on to homeowners (in new housing and in areas of expansion), when the spectrum of decent housing solutions, covering a variety of extras for each other (urban renewal, densification baked goods, etc. rental housing.) That approach the population fulfilling the right to adequate housing (considering housing and environment) and allows, in addition, the competition and synergy of several local players with their resources, both tangible and intangible.
device • Low institutional capacity to coordinate, harmonize and optimize synergistic skills and resources of local actors, public, private and social factors in the different stages and processes for managing human settlements.
· Increasing social, environmental and fiscal, mainly local, due to the state's inability to prevent and intervene intelligently in the conception and development of human settlements.
[1] Section 51 Constitution of the Republic of Colombia.
[2] Other questions relevant to the issue is: are fixed?, Are sufficient, are they adequate?, What indicators and on what terms and deadlines apply to assess whether conditions have been efficient fixed? And if the conditions laid down have not been effective, what do you do?
[3] Other relevant questions on the same theme: How do you define the action to "promote" what is its scope? What are the indicators that measure whether promoted or not, and if promoted properly and efficiently? Who are the political and technical actions promotion? Has promoted the "state" (which of their agents) plans during the last decade?, What, how, how have you promoted?
[4] Other relevant questions on the same theme: how we evaluate the effectiveness and relevance? If promoted, are they adequate? Who defines and how, what is appropriate for this case?
[5] Other relevant questions on the same theme: What area of \u200b\u200bthe state belongs to this promotion and how can you assess whether it has or not? and if he did, has been sufficient and effective?
[6] The GDP is the monetary value of property and services produced by an economy in a given period. Product refers to value-added domestic concerns that production is within the boundaries of an economy, and gross refers to the variation not accounted for inventory and depreciation or appreciation of capital
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