education discourse regarding
Sarmiento (My opinion)
recently wrote an article that raised my way to the Culture and Education of the province of Buenos Aires one day must accept that heroes are simply human beings with virtues and defects and point defects
using them as resources or as a methodology able to point a possible way to move about teaching students to schools that they are the generators of the conclusions drawn after the democratic debate and not collected by the imposition of hegemonic education uses the school to reproduce a model of submission and acceptance of content they provide knowledge of a story distorted or biased.
A story that leaves no room for writers not to reconcile with the model we want to convey and to accept are not taken into account and to are neglected by those who are responsible not only the development of curricula but many of those responsible for educational work in our province (which is where I've exercised and I know for teaching and educational practice stately, work supervisor) sheep are submissive to the orders from above and fearful of summaries that can be exposed to counter those policies as in the case of Inspectors often impose their elitist vision of obedient Amen particular the directives coming down from the Educational Lead Bodies.
This introduction in relation to the days of the date the hegemonic media have spared no words to praise and deify the figure of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento to celebrate 200 years since his birth, even to write that his writing was one of the most beautiful in the Americas.
So like every time you sing the HYMN TO SHOOT vein in my neck has risen up and wanting to put things in place try to put in mat other views on this man who could hate, and manifest their hatred toward the people whom he considered hostile gaucho.
Obsessed with the Indians who not only vilified and harassed with a vocabulary of a xenophobe, not an educator, I always found it impossible not to mention in the classroom is so dark part of a man who postulated to exterminate the Indians as if the destruction and death were part of an education that I never could be agreed by that superiority over the reported ordered it taken down from the Secretariat provided by the Assistant on duty.
has been my conviction that education is by example.
I could not applaud the murder of a man and enjoy the dismemberment of the body of a fighter.
not agree with the praises that are sung at the time as I never agreed with the sense of civilization and barbarism that trumpeted while life lasted.
Finally, while he taught in the province of Bs As always took with me a book of Fermin Chavez to provide a different perspective on this hero built with mud and blood of the desert of the gauchos.
To my happiness and the unhappiness of those who were my superiors NEVER EVER as a teacher could make you lick the ass of Sarmiento.
A man, just that.
with virtues and defects.
The worst of all hatred towards us, towards the gaucho, toward the Indian.
are educated by example.
His example was not very good.
At least that happens to be my opinion of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.
onward to victory.
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