The photo that accompanies this article is on the reverse a date: 12/78 School No. 8, Ministro Rivadavia.
The school had returned to work as a teacher of grade after the kidnapping happened on vacation July 77 and seven months of the birth of my second daughter, born just nine months after being released from Pozo.
were difficult times, teachers' disappearances and abductions and conflict with neighboring countries since the genocidal army guys playing war with our soldiers had the luxury of exposing the lives of young people at that time complied with the compulsory military service. Coincidentally
remembering times far from my way through the education system to open a box in which memories of my friends (many of them militants like me) turned up this picture and I was reminded of the tragic moment that we were going to root the conflict between Argentina and Chile in the Beagle Channel.
One after another the names were drawn had become common in our conversations teachers and they had to do with Lennox Island, Picton, Navarino and one after another slid the events that occurred from the Arbitral Award recognizing Chile's sovereignty over the islands.
And I remember how we talked about Ms. Raquel Caballero (the lady who is in the middle) and that being the Director of the school No. 8 at the time we are oriented to convey to students the events that were happening to appease fear of a war that seemed inevitable between our country and the RCA in Chile. How
do to fan the fear of armed confrontation when the media broadcast the closure by the gendarmerie of the border with Chile?
How can students not to be afraid to listen to Jorge Rafael Videla threatening war if Chile did not change its position in the negotiations that were made?
I stared at each and every one of the nine teachers who worked in those days Ministro Rivadavia school and realized I was missing Nelly Secretary who, like Mrs. Rachel knew why I had passed and not only were supportive but were of the few partners that I saw as a subversive or guerrilla band (as was common in those days to tag the teachers who were "sucked" by the soldiers many times in the same school that came in trucks.)
Miss Rachel with his combed hair and clear eyes and his heart of clay.
A heart that adapt to all circumstances and it was shelter and it was wall and was home and was space in which the teachers could speak without fear of being betrayed or censored. Because
Miss Rachel was for us as an angel who watched over each and every one of the teachers under his supervision and that proved not to be afraid of the soldiers and trucks with armed soldiers who often visited the school.
Sometimes I wonder if the school will continue as in the days when white painted green and stood as a beacon guiding the children toward their teachers and their classrooms and their patio and blinds many times we walked down order of Miss Rachel believed that this was the best way to achieve that all of us not concentrate on our tasks.
in November 1984 when Argentina and Chile signed the TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP "I no longer worked at the school.
other destinations had brought me to the classrooms of other schools in the area.
I lived in the moments that will forever be engraved in my memory.
As these memories that came to me and they were trapped forever in the memory of this heart of clay it was my Head of School No. 8, Miss Rachel from the time I was still smiling.
as then.
Ever onward to victory
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