many schools I went through when I was a teacher and had many directors who took the book of teachers to write reports on the notebook was an insolent, that he lacked respect for authority, ridiculed the superiors who I scoffed at the orders of the superior ...
knows how many things written in my book reports because for certain directors and certain Inspectors (especially for the Inspector Sara Juliano) I was a rebellious teacher, would reply, that altered the peace and order that should reign in the school environment in the educational community and all that apparently had to do with education. Synthesizing
I was a rebellious, an insubordinate and all terms that the authoritarian Statute of Teaching in store for teachers like me who were not submissive sheep and licked his butt to the Provincials and foundations judicious sense determinations were when you were not in accordance with the orders issued by the Superior.
usually never agreed with the orders coming down from La Plata.
agreed not to point out to colleagues who were active, or rat out who gathered outside the school for union meetings, or fail to bring to the classroom books Paulo Freyre, or stop talking about the theology of liberation and burning protest books and blacklists, and for not reading the script to military related to how you could spot a subversive and ... ..
children in the classroom must be quiet, was the motto of that time and the teachers should seek to adhere strictly to the planning stately, say little or nothing of what was happening on that subject that walked reporting on teachers disappearing.
But it turns out I was then very young, and wore my brand new white coat against children restless, inquisitive, cheerful, curious
as children, as must be the children ...
And little fleas have always had me sent directly to the front and long to the Director or the Inspector the sentence then I could hardly be investigated, pre-Summary appointed teachers and all those herbs.
That was not a Church School starting grid as loose body.
And there was the matter left paying
Because Mrs. Director with your request for quiet room and quiet children.
Bold, insolent were my words to the ears of Mrs. Head. I never liked
silent classrooms.
For me that was not that SILENCE IS HEALTH
What happens that they are so quiet? If you happen upon entering the classroom my students stood in silence.
school children of my youth were children hit by hunger and misery.
And the hunger and misery produced in the child assault.
Children do not mean that they are hungry and poor.
Children want to be equal to all children ... Same
those children with mothers films beautiful, with perfect families, with protective parents. Same
children from the movies
eaters every day and waiting for her parents and slept in their beds warm.
Children who were my students in the school of my youth were chaste as are all children.
Children who were my students fainted because they had not eaten and came
late because they had fallen asleep.
and had bruises on his back because (according to them) had fallen into the creek.
Children who were my students locked in silence their children suffer and their dramas.
Then I who loved children and loved school and loved teaching.
Then I learned to find that my students were late because they came to work selling teddy bears to help his mother and his brothers
fainted because they were starving. Because of hunger
also dies
had not fallen into the river but had been beaten by his father with a belt, as was fashionable at that time of my youth.
And I learned these miseries of human life because it could be a teacher with the soul.
And the soul is not aware of silences, cheating or lies.
The soul is connected, it opens up, tears down walls, destroy mountains.
feelings say When I say soul, I say commitment, solidarity say, I say love, say touch, I mean tears and emotions.
I say: I am to listen, to understand you, to help to know what happens to you, to be interested in what happens to you as a person ...
I say ...
you to listen, to know what happens to me, to help discover yourself and discover in the act of taking a man to the other and break the walls of silence.
That we depart, we isolated and do not let us know
you suffer.
are you sad.
who have problems.
do I have problems.
do I have joy.
When it was my youth and when I became a mature woman kept arguing that the school is not a CHURCH
Schools want to be perfect and harmonious ... Directors
And ladies still want quiet classrooms. Perhaps
different views
Or maybe different ways of living and feeling life?
Ever onward to victory PDTA:
(Marta Margarita MastrĂ¡ngelo, always in my heart until the last day of my life)
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